Monday, November 21, 2016

Are We There Yet? By Santat Dan

Santat, D. Are We There Yet? New York: Little, Brown, 2016. Print.

How do children survive long trips? How do children do it? The answer to that is quite simple, actually. Children create alternate worlds in which the unimaginable takes place. Here is a journey to grandma’s birthday party as told by a very bored young boy who survives this journey by using his imagination. So the next tedious, long journey to grandma’s house can be less agonizing if the imagination is used wisely.

Another thing that is important and should be mentioned is the imaginative way in which the author presented the book where you have to flip it backwards and sideways to get to the end of it. My children absolutely loved that!

As a child, I used to be a migrant. Every summer we would pack and get on the road. Imagine the nature of the journey when there were three brothers, two sisters, two parents, and me! All of us crammed up in my father's '67 Plymouth. The journey was, if we were lucky 22 agonizing hours. Reading was out of the question for me because I get motion sickness just from looking down so the only other thing other than sleeping that I could possibly do was imagine. Using my imagination helped me keep my sanity. 

I believe that this is a good book that can be introduced to children before a long trip so that they may be prepared for what's to come and so that they know that before they whine, they should imagine! And who knows? Maybe the next time you take a long trip, they'll be creating alternate worlds with dinosaurs or pirates, or princesses and dragons!

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