Monday, November 21, 2016

I Wish You More

Rosenthal, A. K., & Lichtenheld, T. (2015). I Wish You More. San Francisco: Chronicle Books.

I wish you more ups than downs, more gives than takes! I wish you more hugs than ughs simply becaue you are everything I could wish for...

Sometimes wishing silently for all the good wishes we have for others might just not be enough. Sometimes we need to know that people wish well upon us. This is a heartwarming list of nothing but good wishes that we wish upon those we love. Why just have those unspoken good wishes? Why not share them and let those special ones in our lives know the good wishes we wish for them?

My boys loved this book. I feel this is an excellent way to teach the young ones to share their good sentiments and for them to learn that we only should wish good upon others. Getting them to practice this from an early age will only mean that more good people will live in this sometimes cruel world. My children are such good boys but naturally, because they are young fall into the "I hate this! I hate that!" And although perfectly normal, it is not acceptable so I try my best to teach my children to be kind and thoughtful and considerate and loving and caring. And that' s what my aim is. As we read it my oldest son told me, this is what you telll us to do. To be nice and wish for only good things for ourselves and others. 

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