Monday, November 21, 2016


Becker, A. Return. Somerville: Candlewick, 2016. Print.

The concluding chapter of Becker’s trilogy delivers a powerful message sent out to parents about the importance of acknowledging the presence of their children. Adults become consumed in their professions and in their desire to perhaps be successful providers to their children sometimes fail to see that in their effort to be successful providers, they may lose those they provide for. A parent’s inability to make the effort to spend time with their loved ones create distance between themselves and their children. One can only hope that this realization does not come too late. 

No words were necessary in the delivery of this message. Its strong and powerful message leaves the reader speechless and deep in thought evaluating life's worth and the worthy that we have in our lives. Are we doing the right thing? Or in doing what we think is the right thing making us fail at the bigger things?

Sometime we fail as parents, not because we don't try, but because we try too hard. We become consumed in being providers that we neglect those that we strive to be the best for. I for sure know that my children would rather me spending time with them instead of me spending time doing school work, and although I see the importance of spending quality time with them, the provider in me tells me that I must continue to work hard for them to have everything that they need. So the question here is, why is it that even though we know what is more important, why do we keep failing at making the right decision? :(

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